
116th FSA General Assembly June 2/3 2023 Fribourg

116th FSA General Assembly June 2/3 2023 Fribourg
02.06.2023 - 03.06.2023
10:30 - 12:30


A different view from the banks of the Saane
116th General Assembly of FSA, June 2/3, Fribourg

From the top of the bridges spanning the two banks, the eye is lost in an interstitial space, which separates and brings together; the Sarine. It is a parallel world, a grey zone, a space of freedom where all possibilities can take root, as unexpectedly and suddenly as vegetation emerging from the cracks in a wall. The Sarine is the city's water, nature, energy and biodiversity.
The FAS proposes to look into the cracks, off the beaten track, by examining the principle of emergence according to which the collective creates properties present in no individuality, and that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Between two molasse cliffs, between Lausanne and Bern, between French and German, between Thursday and Sunday, the FAS offers a space for reflection, a breath, a gap, to understand differently the challenges of our profession and to reflect on the uncertainties of practising it.
Between two molasse cliffs, the FAS emerges and infiltrates the city. In contact with an extremely fertile local soil, it displays itself and goes out to meet the public, exposing in a contextual way the themes that animate it.

Programme (pdf)
Online registrations until 30 April 2023

Hotels! (liste pdf)
Limited number of hotel rooms in Fribourg, book now!


Documents GA

For an affordable 2023 assembly
one price per person: CHF 23.00

Payment by TWINT or bank transfer

IBAN CH46 0900 0000 1740 1169 2
PostFinance, 1630 Bulle
Aeby Aumann Emery architectes, Fribourg
