The offices of the FSA are in Domus-Haus in Basle (Architetecture by Rasser + Vadi, 1959). Photo: Christian Baur

The Federation of Swiss Architects (FSA) unites more than 1000 members, of which nearly 880 are full members. Full members are “in general architects who work independently, who have achieved notable merit in the field of architecture, urban development and spatial planning“. As such they are permitted to use the professional title “Architect FSA“.

Moreover there are also Associate members; well-known individuals who in their function are closely connected to architecture, urban development and spatial planning. Membership selection procedure is based on personal vocation; here quality of practice is a prerequisite for admission.

The mission statement expounds our credo according to article 1 of the statutes of the FSA additional explanations to the credo are incorporated.

  • The FSA unites committed architects, who are critically engaged in the shaping of our environment and who work towards the realisation of first-rate architecture, urban development and spatial planning.
  • The FSA represents the professional concerns of its members and of the sector. It safeguards the independence of the sector and promotes free competition.
  • The FSA concerns itsself with the recognition of the professional image of the architect. It supports corresponding education and training, further education and research.
  • The FSA fosters collegial contacts among members and maintains relations to well- known individuals and associations with similar objectives.
  • The FSA provides information about the architectural profession and the role of the architect in society.
  • The FSA uses its influence both on the public and on governmental bodies by representing its concerns.

The FSA is divided into eight local groups which are organised as legally independent societies. The general assembly, the governing board and the auditors are organs of the central association of the FSA. The governing board responsible for trans-regional activities consists of persons elected by general assembly and the chairmen (presidents) of the local groups. Three of the four language regions of Switzerland are represented through three vice presidents of the governing board.

The official communication organ of the FSA is the journal werk, bauen + wohnen

Markus Walser, Basle
Adrian Kast, Basle

Head Office
Caspar Schärer, secretary general
Stefanie Jung, assistent

Pfluggässlein 3
Postfach 907
CH-4001 Basel
Tel. +41 (0) 61 262 10 10
Fax +41 (0) 61 262 10 09